Sunday, 10 November 2013

aari work or tambour work

I was fascinated by aari or tambour work for quite some time.the speed of work was amazing compared to chain stitches done by i got some silk and zari thread from India and aari needles made of iron . istarted to practice on some spare cloth but every now and then the thread got unravelled and i have to start afresh.first i started with single thread ,then with two threads.but the result was not satisfactory. then i started with zari thread and it was much easier (2nd pic)

here i used some sequins also.
aari hook is very fine and after some online search i got to know that we can use 12or14 no crochet hook for the same work.this yellow wool aari work is done with 12no crochet was alot easier and i think this is also appropriate for a beginner to get hold of the movements of aari needle.
this is freeform practice with pearl cotton.if interested you can get more information here on    andhere   this site is in french  and you can make use of google translate . this blog is also very helpful especially for embroidering alphabets.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

turkman stitch

This is one of M y old embroidery .I chose this elaborate design for dupattas edge and it never got completed.separate kutchwork motifs took lot of time and I got bored and fed up. That was the time l started kutchwork can get working method of turkmanstitch on pintangle. Com

cream kurta

 embroidery is done on yoke  and sleeves.themotif is repeated except the last one on the yoke .some additions are done to the original one.kutchwork and mirrors always fascinate me especially the works on this site

Monday, 7 October 2013

tast 84 spike knotted cable chain

Spiked knottedcable chain is worked as flower.vsn get working method from pin tangle

Thursday, 29 August 2013

blue kurta

 this is my old work as try on different types of stitches .this is oyster stitch, andopen fly ,french knot,bullion stitch.

 bullion stitch ,buttonhole flowers.woven cross stitch

bullion rose,slipped chain stitch,fishbone stitch

 woven buttonhole flower,

 bullion tipped lazy dazy
bullion flower
 pistil stitch

woven spider wheel
the whole yoke                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                double cast on stitches.

Sunday, 23 June 2013

doll dress and loom flowers

this doll dress is made by my daughter ,of course under my guidance.this light orange tablecloth is made by joining loom flowers.joining method i got from here

Saturday, 8 June 2013

pink kurta completed

 at last the embroidery is complete.this long and short was very confusing .i stitched three flowers wrongly and have totake them the first figure i have embroidered with deep purple in one layer only
 but for others in two layers in the broad part.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

long and short 3

 another long and short flower.unlike previous one (the fig below) i have taken three shades. but it came out right after two failed attempts,i started with wrong choice of direction and all the hard work and time gone irritated mood i startted the second flower and lo it also went wrong  (the third and fourth fig) .maybe i have chosen a flower of some odd shape  o GOD i have to embroider 5 more flowers and d also take out the two wasted ones.